Speed Up Your WordPress Website

Why does your website which is built on a WordPress platform need to load quickly? You know the answer. It’s to draw a large group of audience and encourage conversion.

With a faster loading website, you can engage the audience with the content they need. Right on the spot! No delays, no waiting, no unloaded images. It removes any reason for hesitation.

A quicker WordPress website makes smooth transactions which happen more often in online businesses. Your potential customers benefit from this and so do you.


Here are a couple of tips you can try for website speed optimization:

Select Good Web Hosting

Often shared hosting seems like a popular choice for business owners, doesn’t it? However, when you plan on publishing popular content on the website and its pages that might not be the right solution you seek.

It can lead to a slow site speed and you will also face frequent downtimes during high traffic periods, too.

If you don’t want trouble along the way, Most Utah web designer opt for private hosting services by GoDaddy. This option will ensure that your site or blogging website is always in good working order.


Choose a Solid Theme or Framework.

What’s the theme for your website? There’s nothing wrong with being a little extra with your website or blog design. But, you have to admit that it fastens the loading speed of your page by a fraction.

If you want your site to load quicker when the visitors open it, select a basic theme. There are many WordPress theme shops that render themes that are designed for high-speed websites. If you have hired a website builder near me, ask him/her to find them in StudioPress, CSSIgniter, or Themify.

As much as you can, try to avoid frameworks that are overly bloated with a number of features, which you won’t even use. Go for a modest custom web design.


Install a Good Cache Plugin

You may have noticed that there are a lot of plugins available on WordPress that are free. Most of them fall under the purpose of caching. With the right caching plugin in place, you can greatly enhance site loading speeds!

Thankfully, a lot of this plug-in is available for FREE with greater reliability. One of the best you can install on your website is W3 Total Cache. It is much quicker to install by a non-technical person also. Once you have it in place, do its setup and it will boost your page elements in the cache and speed pages loading time.


Plugin for Image Optimization

Of course, images are the main reason which slows down your website loading speeds. However, there are many ways you can optimize images easily. You can utilize online tools to shorten your image size or Photoshop for that. But did you know that plugins can take care of all of these tasks for a website owner?

Optimizing one image after the other can be a daunting task when you choose custom web design services. Free yourself from that trouble by installing a plugin called WP-SmushIt or Squash.

Contact Your Design Guys to help your business succeed! We provide custom web development and web design services in Salt Lake City, Saratoga Springs and surrounding areas.